Thursday, March 20, 2014

Obama delivers promises with conditions

President Obama is offering concessions to Iran if they cut back on their nuclear weapons program, and he is making some huge promises. With much optimism, Obama believes that the U.S. can start a new path together.

After Tehran took on president Hassan Rouhani who gave hope to make Iran more accessible to the international community, things seemed to look better their relations with major power players.Obama seems to see this promise as a good time to improve relations with Iran. Although enthusiasm is admirable, pressure is not the way to go.

Obama makes a huge claim when he says the Iran will see huge economic mobilization. He states "... this year can help open up new possibilities and prosperity for the Iranian people for years to come." That includes more open trade, more jobs and "more opportunities for Iranian students". If Obama is going to revitalize an entire country, he should at least explain. Or else, this just looks manipulation and false promises.

With the slow progress on Iran's part, Obama knows that this will be difficult, but "he says he is ready to talk."

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