Monday, March 3, 2014

TOMODACHI Initiative led by the United States and Japan

     In reaction to the tragic earthquake in Tohoku region in Japan in March 11th, 2011, TOMODACHI Initiative was established for supporting for Japan’s recovery from the earthquake, and also for cultivating Japanese and American leaders in the next generation through cultural and educational leadership programs.

     As a history of TOMODACHI Initiative, after the earthquake occurred, the United States military and Japan Self-Defense Force worked together for supporting Tohoku regions. Through this cooperation, the United States and Japan established TOMODACHI Initiative. The United States Government and the U.S.-Japan Council has taken the lead of TOMODACHI Initiative.

     TOMODACHI’s goal is to build “TOMODACHI generation” of Japanese and American youths who are engaged in invigorating and reinforcing the U.S.-Japan relationships and who are grateful to each other’s country and culture. For achieving this visions, TOMODACHI Initiative focuses on creating relationships in individuals, communities and businesses. It aims to increase the number of Japanese and American students who study in each country in order to grow their cultural awareness by many kinds through program covering academics, languages, cultures and sports.

     For instance, from Del Norte High School in California, 6 students and 6 stuff members visited Japan for a tour of Rikuzentakata, Iwate prefecture, as the TOMODACHI-Del Norte high school 2014 Delegation to Rikuzentakata in February. This visiting has originated from the day that students of Del North high school found a crushed boat by Tsunami was drifted to the shores of Crescent City in California and desired to get this boat back to the original owner in Japan. They spent 2 days at high school in Rikuzentakata, met students there and showed the boat that were elaborately cleaned by American students.

     This is one of the activities of TOMODACHI Initiatives, but I argue that this project will definitely be effective in conducting public diplomacy between the United States and Japan. This TOMODACHI project appeals students of both the United States and Japan in order to let them know about each other’s current situations, cultures and businesses. There are some other programs such as scholar programs, exchange and home staying programs, and Earthquake-damage relieving programs. 

     Moreover, in these programs, students in the United States and Japan can directly engage in activity and deeply know about each other, which can significantly appeal to the public and their opinions.  Furthermore, TOMODACHI programs such as language programs and exchanging programs can also be great soft power if participants are positively attracted by those programs. Not only TOMODACHI program directly helps both the United States and Japan conduct public diplomacy but also creates soft power for fulfilling powerful public diplomacy between 2 countries.

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